The winter weather is causing many Rhode Island residents to hibernate indoors until spring arrives, which means we’re all paying much closer attention to how our heating systems are functioning. A frequently asked question from customers is in regards to dirty furnace filters. Dirty filters are an incredibly common issue that can stem from a variety of different sources. Understanding the problem comes down to pinpointing exactly why it started in the first place.
Do your furnace filters consistently get dirty? Here are a few things to take into consideration:
1. The Filter is Cheap
Contrary to what you might believe, not all furnace filters are created equally. Some happen to be much higher in quality than others. Lower-quality filters are typically meant to be used for only 30 days at a time. A month can go by quicker than you think, and if you can’t remember the last time you changed your filter, it’s important to take action as soon as possible.
2. The Weather Has Been Colder than Usual
Winter is here, which means you’ve probably been running your heating system consistently. It’s important to realize that filters are more likely to clog when the heating system is running regularly, since more air gets cycled through the filter when the furnace runs more heating cycles. Thus, more contaminants end up making their way into the filter.
3. Your Furnace’s Fan is Set to “On”
Most thermostats have two fan settings: “on” and “auto.” Typically, a fan that is set to “on” will run constantly, while the “auto” setting only allows the fan to turn on during a heating cycle. The latter route will almost always be the way to go, as it will not only help to save your filter, but home comfort shouldn’t suffer as a result.
4. Your Home’s Air is Overly Contaminated
It’s expected that contaminants will find their way into practically any home, but some are much worse off than others. Some homes will naturally have more contaminants in their conditioned (that is, heated and cooled) air than others, and if you have one or more pets in the home, you can expect this to be an even bigger issue. People and pets can kick up dirt and dust, which inevitably finds its way into your furnace’s filter.
Ready to find out what’s going on with your filter? CARJON can help. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule an appointment.