Summer is right around the corner. This has many Rhode Island homeowners thinking about ways to ensure their ACs are ready for the warm months ahead. Here are a few things that you as a homeowner can do before calling CARJON for a full HVAC system workup:
Check Your Filters
Airflow is an essential aspect of any working air conditioning system. If your filter becomes clogged or dirty, airflow issues will no doubt show themselves. If a buildup of dirt and debris is present, ice buildup can easily occur on the coil. Look towards the blower unit—where the return duct meets the condenser unit, usually—to find the filter. If you notice that it’s clogged, this is an indication that it’s time to switch it out.
Inspect for Water Damage
One of the easiest ways for homeowners to determine whether or not they’re currently dealing with AC issues is to start by inspecting for water damage. Condensation will occur whenever warm air passes over the AC’s cooling coil, which results in the development of beads of moisture. In a perfect world, this moisture is directed into a gravity-fed pan, isolating it from the AC’s electrical components. This isn’t always the case, however, and since water damage can cause electrical fires, it’s important that it be addressed immediately by a professional.
Avoid Obstructions & Maintain Ductwork
Obstructions throughout any part of the AC system can cause problems that can result in breakdown. Take the outside condenser unit, for example. If it’s going to be expected to work properly, it will require space on all sides to promote airflow. Obstructions in air vents located throughout the home can be just as problematic and must be dealt with swiftly so that condensation and mold don’t form.
While these quick checks can help give you an idea of how your AC is functioning, the best way to ensure that you’re ready for the summer is to allow the team at CARJON to perform air conditioning maintenance. Contact us today to learn more to schedule an appointment.