Spring is in the air, which has many Rhode Island homeowners taking a moment to clean up around the house now that the winter weather is gone. While tasks such as cleaning baseboards and vacuuming corners often come to mind, one of the most important places to look when getting ready for the warmer months is your air conditioner. Air conditioner maintenance plays a major role in home performance, and ignoring it year after year will lead to nothing but problems in the long run.
Still unconvinced you can get away without focusing on AC maintenance this spring? Here are a few reasons why you may want to think otherwise.
Hidden Allergens
There’s no getting around the fact that we deal with allergens every day of our lives. Most people who suffer from allergies know that leaving the house on certain days can be enough to set everything off, but what about what’s happening within the home? The issue of hidden allergens is something that often gets overlooked, and often, they’re hiding right within your air conditioning unit. Fortunately, allergens can be dealt with swiftly by simply cleaning the AC unit and having CARJON perform preventative maintenance this spring.
Excess Energy Costs
No one wants to spend more on monthly energy bills than is necessary, yet this is one of the most common scenarios that Rhode Island homeowners run into once it’s time to turn the AC on. Often, air conditioners that ramp up our energy bills are not operating at peak performance and may be dirty or in need of maintenance. Many homeowners are shocked to find that their bills decrease after they get their AC units serviced, and the earlier in the season you have the work performed, the more money you stand to save.
Emergency Breakdowns
Rhode Island summers can get quite hot, and many residents rely on their air conditioning units to keep them cool throughout the season. If you’ve ever experienced what it’s like to lose your AC on one of the hottest days of the year, you know just how frustrating this can be. While it’s impossible to say for sure that breakdown will never occur, you can lessen the chances of the scenario of needing emergency AC repair becoming a reality simply by focusing on preventative maintenance before the summer arrives.
Ready to see how your home can benefit from preventative air conditioning maintenance? CARJON is here to show you. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.